SELF-CARE Lathered In Love LLC


Ariel Meiggs
There are so many aspects of self-care!! Much of it consists of doing hard, or mundane things, and will look different for us every day depending on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state..…then there’s the self care that gives us simple daily relief to our body, mind, and soul in a revitalizing way. Lathered in love is more than just a bath bomb or fancy soap, we are rooted in the idea of inspiring a new way to live and strive to be that element of a little something extra special…Which keeps bringing me be back to that scene in Marry Poppins when she says "in everything that must be done, there is an element of fun". THATS the kind of self-care I think Lathered In Love celebrates and reminds us that self care doesn't have to consist of something extremely out of touch, expensive or difficult. Whether you are currently working on trauma, or simply wishing to enhance your daily quality of life, I have found the following self-care applications to be extremely beneficial to aid the journey. 
Ways to incorporate uplifting, healing, and meaningful tidbits of Self-Care into your own daily routine are;
Earthing & Time in nature: Get your hands in the soil or Put your bare feet to the ground!...The earth has a negative charge and when we make direct skin contact with the earth, electrons flow from the earth to our bodies, neutralizing free radicals, reducing inflammation, improving sleep quality and regulation of circadian rhythms, reducing stress, and calming the nervous system. 
5 min in the Morning/evening, Journaling & Daily Ritual: Ritualize your life! Adding Rituals throughout your day help create a sense of significance, structure, meaning and contribute to a sense of mindfulness. ….whatever it is, make it a daily special moment, Pause and Spend some time with yourself to make goals, move through feelings, organize tasks, thoughts and feelings. Start your day by checking in with yourself to get centered for the day, affirmations, breathing, journaling, or just a moment for gratitude, Or in the evening to reflect and let go of the day to settle in. For me, There's just something about sitting down with that cup of coffee in the morning with a journal to get centered for the day, Or a bath in the evening before bed.
Quality Sleep: Sleep quality affects almost everything in our lives and is just as important as eating well and being active. Sleep affects our mood, heart health, inflammation in the body, weight management, energy and productivity, emotional physical & mental health, and overall well-being. 
Intentional Bathing: Make bathing a conscious and meaningful ritual that allows you to let go of the day, relax and rejuvenate. Maybe get some tea, light a candle, put on some sound healing tunes, run a Bubble bath with salt soaks, or a bath bomb, or run a shower with music and a shower steamer.  
Creative Outlets & Play: Doing something creative or artistic like playing music, doing crafts, writing, painting, drawing, or dancing to express yourself and find joy. I like to make food art! 
Crystals & Luminaries:  Crystals are just so pretty to look at and add a nice touch to your space and makes your environment feel good to be in. They are thought to have healing properties, assist in mood, spiritual growth, chakra alignment, and enhance intuition. Lighting a candle can be a meaningful moment by letting go of something specific or giving thanks. There's something so special about lighting a candle, and the energy of the flame that turns a space into a cozy and magical environment.  
Technology Detox: Clear mental and physical clutter by taking a break from technology, and any social media. This can help reduce stress & overwhelm, improve sleep quality, enhance productivity, allow you to be more present & in the moment, strengthening personal connections and relationships. 
Daily Radical Self Acceptance, & forgiveness: You can do this through journaling or meditation, or spending quiet time with yourself to address these topics further. Work to forgive yourself and others for things in your life and let go of anything you need to move through and let go. Both Radical self-acceptance and forgiveness require a compassionate and nonjudgmental attitude toward oneself and others. They are ongoing processes that involve mindfulness, self reflection and a commitment to personal growth. Therapy, meditation and journaling can support these transformative journeys.   
Sound healing, Stillness/meditation, positive reading, and other mindfulness practices: Find some motivational reading, practice meditation and play relaxing sounds, & music (for more on sound healing check out the sound healing blog post)  These practices can help to improve focus, reduce stress, lower blood pressure, contribute to emotional wellness, and overall well-being. 
I think Ultimately the number one important act of self-care is simply that we check in with ourselves and give ourselves grace, and listen. I love the principal that self care can consist of finding simple elements of goodness within the daily mundane things...simple sentiments that bring meaning, relief, and nurturing to our daily lives and routines. Its the little things that continue to add value to our lives reminding us that there is love and wonder there for us in every day and in everything that we do no matter how trivial it may seem; Like treating ourselves to the soap or butter balm that smells & reminds us of someone we love...or acknowledging ourselves & our lives through journaling, or that relaxing soak in the tub that turns a regular bathing practice into something that nourishes & heals the mind body & soul: What simple, meaningful, attainable and loving ways can you interject small acts of self care that bring positivity, joy, healing, nurturing, support, and love into your every day life? ...Please be good to yourself (and others) and give yourself grace! You’re doing great navigating this wild world! Toodaloo for now! xoXoOxoXoO
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